Our Mission - AmericanMom
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Mission Statement

AmericanMom is an all-American lifestyle brand and community of American women who believe in the power of motherhood, faith, friendship, and traditional American values. We celebrate the best of America, honor America’s founding principles, and believe moms are the cornerstone of our American culture.

We share stories written by women just like you. Each bit of hard-won wisdom, every shared experience, and all of the diverse advice regarding family, homemaking, relationships, self-reliance, and heritage helps us set the record straight about American and conservative values.

It is through these stories, as well as kindness, mutual respect, and open conversation that we encourage women to live their values out loud, find common ground, and continue the fight to heal the cultural divide. It starts with our own families and communities. Let’s work together to strengthen families and raise children with the American Spirit. Stay in the loop.

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