To the Working Mama
Ansley Oermann |I see you
I see the tears fall as you drop off your baby at daycare as you head to work
I see you open your phone to look at pictures of your baby for the third time today
I see you hold your baby tighter each night
I see the messy house, the laundry that needs to be done but can wait because you’re soaking in every moment with your baby
I feel you
I feel the exhaustion from your baby being up all hours of the night
I feel the heartache as you watch your baby grow up and need you less
I feel the pressure of having to work full time while trying to be a present mom
I feel the range of emotions you go through each day
I understand you
I understand when you want to quit your job to be home full time with your baby
I understand when you do everything in the world to make your baby happy
I understand when you are pulled in a thousand different directions
I understand when you take time for yourself but feel you’re missing out being with your baby
I see you, I feel you, and I understand you because I am you