Moms’ War Against Toxins: Phthalates, Hormones, and the Everyday Battle for a Clean and Safe HomePhoto by on

There’s a silent enemy in our homes; we are in a battle against modern toxins lurking in our everyday products. From the food we eat to the cosmetics we use, these hidden dangers can feel overwhelming. As if we moms aren’t busy enough, now we have to be vigilant about harmful chemicals sneaking into our daily routines! But fear not—you have everything in your toolbox to stay informed, and we’re in this together.

Here’s what I’ve been keeping a close eye on in 2024—and what you might want to watch out for too.

Phthalates: The Hidden Hormone Disruptors

Phthalates, a class of chemicals used in everyday products like plastics, cosmetics, and fragrances, are increasingly recognized for their harmful impact on human health. These chemicals, often used as plasticizers or to bind fragrances, can disrupt the body’s delicate endocrine system, which regulates hormones critical to development, metabolism, and reproduction.

One of the primary concerns with phthalates is their endocrine-disrupting effects. These chemicals mimic or interfere with the body’s hormones, particularly reproductive hormones like estrogen and testosterone, leading to a range of health issues. Research shows that phthalates are linked to developmental delays, cognitive impairments, and reproductive harm. For example, a 2021 study found that prenatal exposure to phthalates can lead to neurodevelopmental issues in children, affecting their cognitive and motor skills as early as 2 years old.

Another systematic review in 2015 highlighted that prenatal exposure to phthalates is strongly associated with lower IQ scores, attention disorders, and behavioral problems in children. Moreover, high levels of phthalates, such as di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), have been linked to reproductive harm, including decreased sperm quality in men and irregular menstrual cycles in women, potentially increasing the risk of fertility issues.

FDA Monitoring: The FDA has not yet banned phthalates but continues to monitor the data regarding their safety in consumer products. However, recent data shows that phthalates may pose significant risks to human health, particularly to vulnerable populations like pregnant women and children. We need to stay informed and vigilant about their use in everyday products.


Hormones in Non-Organic Beef: A Growing Concern

Another key issue for us moms is the hidden hormones in the United States beef supply. Some farms use testosterone and other synthetic hormones to promote rapid growth in cattle. While this may result in cheaper meat, it can come at a cost to our health. The FDA allows the use of certain hormones, such as estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, in beef production to promote growth. However, studies suggest that hormone residues in beef could be linked to conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a condition that affects many women.

A 2022 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that elevated testosterone levels could exacerbate PCOS symptoms, particularly those related to insulin resistance and menstrual irregularities.


Microplastics: The Silent Contaminants

We’ve all heard about microplastics in the ocean, but did you know they’re also in our homes? Cutting boards, especially plastic ones, can shed microplastics when they’re worn down from use. These tiny particles can end up in our food, accumulating in our bodies over time. Researchers are still studying the long-term health impacts, but some preliminary studies suggest links to immune system disruption and even cancer.


PFAS: The Forever Chemicals

PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are man-made chemicals used in a variety of household products, including non-stick cookware, water-resistant clothing, food packaging, and even baby wipes. They’re called “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down easily in the environment. Studies suggest that PFAS can contribute to cancer, hormone disruption, and developmental issues in children. The FDA is making strides in banning PFAS in food packaging, but these chemicals are still found in many everyday products.


How I Stay Vigilant in My Home

It’s tough to keep up, but I’ve made a few key changes in my home that help me stay ahead of the curve when it comes to reducing toxins:

  • Houseplants for Clean Air: Place houseplants, like snake plants, in every room to naturally purify the air.
  • Homemade Room Sprays: Skip the commercial sprays loaded with harmful chemicals. A simple blend of distilled water, essential oils, and witch hazel works wonders for freshening up your space.
  • Natural Surface Sprays: Clean your surfaces chemical-free by mixing distilled water, vinegar, and essential oils like lemongrass. It’s a refreshing, safe alternative to traditional cleaners.
  • Switching to Essential Oils: Ditch synthetic fragrances and opt for essential oils. Affordable options like lavender and eucalyptus are available at most big-box stores. I use them for laundry, mopping, and even creating my own blends. Be cautious, though—many essential oil blends can contain synthetic ingredients. I stick to trusted brands and avoid unregulated overseas sellers.
  • Choosing Organic Ground Beef: While organic steak is often pricey, organic ground beef is much more affordable and has become our go-to choice.
  • Natural Personal Care Products: It’s easier than ever to find natural deodorants, lotions, shampoos, and cosmetics at big-box stores. When shopping, get familiar with the ingredients, and if something seems unfamiliar, do a quick search. You can also use apps to scan product labels and check their safety.
  • Clean Burning Candles: Choose clean-burning candles made of soy wax, fragranced with essential oils, and with cotton, lead-free wicks. Avoid blends that contain synthetic additives.
  • Meal Prep Over Takeout: By prepping meals for the week, like boiling eggs and preparing chicken for salads on Sundays, we’ve reduced our reliance on takeout.
  • Glass Over Plastic for Food Storage: Glass containers are safer for food storage and reheating, as they don’t leach harmful chemicals. We’ve mostly switched from plastic to glass, though we still use Ziplocs occasionally! It’s all about the least-burden approach, not perfection. If you do use plastic, look for BPA-free options.

As the Toxin War Rages, We Stand Firm

Even as an industry expert, I admit it’s a challenge to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of ingredient safety in our everyday products! There’s always some ‘expert’ influencer telling us what’s clean or dirty, healthy or harmful. But we have to rely on facts and data to stay sane. As moms, we can’t afford to gamble with our children’s health based on social media trends—we must dig deeper into the science, look at the evidence, share research, and make conscious choices to protect our loved ones. Not just rely on the influencer’s opinion. God gives us discernment through the holy spirit. Pray and ask for wisdom on the topics you may be struggling with.

We can’t be perfect in the clean living endeavor no matter how hard we try. So we can confidently let go of perfection, and point to Jesus. He was the only perfect one to walk on Earth. I am also encouraged by how God designed our body’s to naturally eliminate toxins with certain organs, and that also gives me hope that even if we are not 100% clean, God’s got us. It is just positive to try to lighten the toxic load on our bodies. God’s will shall be done no matter what, so we can rest in that.

This is not about being the crunchiest mom, or a competition. The problem is greater than that; it’s about looking after our health and our families. We are on the front lines, and we are equipped to stop the invisible enemy.

Phew! You’ve got this, Momma’s. And remember, pray for God to give you discernment, strength, and knowledge as you navigate this natural route. Your health, and your family’s health is so worth it.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” – James 1:5