The Beautiful Monotony of Ordinary DaysUnsplash
Isn’t it funny how our days can become so monotonous? Washing, cooking, making the bed – all become such drudgery when done day after day, week after week. 

But then something happens to shake up our ordinary, mundane days and the next thing you know, you’re caught up in a whirlwind ride and your ordinary days are traded for chaos and survival. 

Such were the days before, during and after Hurricane Laura (August 2020).

One minute I’m making my regular To-Do list for the week, and the next thing you know, I’m packing for a 5 hour trip across Texas, not knowing if I’ll have a home when I get back.  Such is the life of living on the Gulf Coast!

Thankfully we had a warm home to stay in, good food and great company when we got to where we were going, but sitting around waiting to know what the future holds can only go so far and then you just want to go home.

By the end of our evacuation week, I found myself longing for my daily tasks.  All I could think about was going back to my home, cleaning the countertops, vacuuming the floors, filling my pantry and making a good meal. I wanted to smell the fresh scent of warm towels when pulling them out of the dryer. I wanted to sleep in my own bed and then make it up in the morning, while delighting in my cozy comforter and matching lamps. 

As I longed for the comforts of home and my ordinary days, I realized that it’s the normal rhythms of life that bring the joy.  

It’s the building of routines and rituals that make our home a place of security and comfort. And, it’s only in the interruption, that we realize they hold such value.

These are the rhythms of life – our family, pets, favorite meals around our favorite table. The work we do, the shows we watch, the morning rituals and the nighttime routines. These are the things that feed our souls, on the simplest of terms.

But, true to form, life knows how to shake you around a bit and remind you of all that’s valuable when you’re getting a little too comfortable. Not that 2020 has been comfortable. In fact, it’s been anything but!

So, all the more to cherish the beautiful monotony of ordinary days, don’t you think?

Until Next Time……
